Thursday, October 22, 2009

Can cook to save life.

The grass is always greener on the other side, they say. But the other day my heart truly went out to my best friend from college, Avinash. MS in biotech jumbo-mumbo in some frozen county of New York is making life tough for the poor guy. Cooking was never his forte and now he is fending himself off on frozen foods. Adding to his woes, the proverbial ' golden ray of hope' (that would be me) is missing from his life. No wonder! He is in sucha dump! :P

Alright! May be things aren't that bad..but yes, the moron bought a microwave for 3$ at a garage sale and I bet he hasn't even warmed water in it yet.

So here it is - The recipe I promised you Avi. Try to stick to the basics and I assure you that it will be edible

Vegetable Pulav - Microwave-made

Total Time: 20 mins (including preparation time)


1 cup of rice
1 cup of chopped carrots
1 cup of chopped cauliflower
1/2 cup chopped french beans
1/2 cup chopped onion
1 cup of chopped potatoes

Basically any veggies you can lay your hands on.
Spare the yucky brinjals and lady's fingers though!

1 tablespoon oil
1 teaspoon jeera
2-3 chopped green chillies
1/2 tablespoon chopped garlic
1-2 teaspoons red chilli powder
2 teaspoons garam masala
2 teaspoons dhaniya powder
Salt swadanusaar (Thus spake like a true chef!)

Method: Switch on the microwave. (Duh!) Now in a borosil/any microwave-friendly container, add the oil and warm it for 30 seconds (I use piHigh ie. Microwave mode). Now add the jeera, chopped chillies, garlic and let it microwave for one minute. To the pot, now add all the veggies, the masalas, salt, rice and around 3 cups of good old H2O. The best way to be sure if the water is enough or not, well, there should be a a nice 1 inch gap between level of rice + veggies and that of the water in the pot (Level of water > Level of rice).

Done! Now microwave this for 13-15 mins. Remove once when you are half-way through and stir well. You can also add a dash of lemon juice and sprinkling of coriander now (Never mind Avi! Move on) and then continue cooking till all the water is absorbed and the rice is well cooked and dry.

Serve hot with some Lijjat papads, pickle, raita and chhaas (Avi, you can skip this.)

Voila!! I told you..a good hot meal is only a few minutes away :)

P.S: No clue about US, but in India we wash the rice atleast 3-4 times to remove that white powder thats used to preserve it. Dont exactly know what it is - I guess some pesticide! Just thought I should remind you :P

Now do a favour on that microwave of yours and try this dish out. Oh! and take pics - put them on FB - that will send girls swooning after you :P


P.S : Pic is from the net. Outcome of the above experiment may not resemble the picture. Kindly excuse.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Information you can live without.

I hate this transitory phase. I am at home currently but would return to my b-school in a week's time. Half of my clothes lie in the laundry bag, a few in the cupboard - all neatly washed n ironed while a few peep out of suitcase. Half of my stuff is still back there in my other home - that lovely hostel room back in MICA...and in all this I feel halved..incomplete..somewhat hanging in between 2 places..neither here nor there. I post-its are there and important stuff to write about here! My silver earrings here and the matching bangles back there :( I wish I was all in one and my belongings. I feel so incomplete without, not just the clothes, books, jewellery and stationery..but my life! I am not liking this duality - I miss my mirror, my marker pens and my cupboard door full of post-its. I miss evening walks around the campus, the after-dinner walks and that liesurely breakfast full of news and gossips.

I am increasingly irked by my behaviour. I plan a lot, decide on a few but eventually end up doing almost nothing. What else can explain 85 unfinished drafts of blog-posts? Make that 86 - if I give up finishing this one too.

Mindless social networking. Those stupid stupid FB quizzes..going back to them after a few hours to see if any other equally lame homo sapien has bothered 'liking' or commenting. How shallow am I gonna get?

Its been ages since I wrote a poem. A long time since I read a good book..Ok, the last one was 2 weeks back. But 2 weeks of utter joblessness?? Adding the same set of people as friends on Orkut, Facebook, LinkedIn..followed by scraps of 'Wassup? How u doing?' to the same people I didnt even bother talking to back in school or college. Aargh! I seriously dont need this form of active social life.

Thankfully the offline social life is not that pathetic. But yeah, my parents have become increasingly intolerant of my erratic biolgical clock. I am my most active self when they are asleep and just vegetate around the house during the day. Cant blame them but then its too difficult to adopt normalcy now, that too for a few days.

Gastronomically speaking (no updates are complete without this) it has been a blessed holiday so far. Sabudana wadas, khichdi and other such holiday-items are ticked off in the list. The long lost love for cooking was rekindled and I realised once again why MBA was such a bad idea.

Here is the list of what I cooked this week:
  1. Vegetable Pulav
  2. Jeera rice
  3. Baingan ka bharta
  4. Chocolate brownie
  5. Vegetable momos
  6. Gobi ke pakode
  7. Onion-Potato-Chilli Bhajji
  8. Pasta in tomato sauce
  9. Maggi (some 4 times in one week)
  10. French toasts (had them after almost 2 years!)
Cooking is sucha stress-buster. So is cleaning the cupboard. De-cluttering is good. Clears the mind. Just what I need right now. But cant :(( Who cooks at 2 am? nd who will eat?? as for cleaning the cupboard...damn! the cupboard here is almost empty :( So here I go..back to my cribbing session. Missing good things in life..getting bored of boredom and lacking motivation to break this vicious cycle.

What a waste I am!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Yo MICA Yo!!

So I hit the 'publish' button on the previous post, switched off the laptop and crashed on to my bed some 5 minutes back and then I remembered!! Of course I could not sleep knowing that I had forgotten to update my loyal fan base of 10 about one of the most historic events of all times!


Yay!! Remember you read this here first! Though we have already seen to it that tomorrow's DNA or Ahmedabad Mirror will carry a dramatic, 'will-make-you-sit-at-the-edge-of-your-seat' half-page story on the same. (Go Team Interface! ;))

Aah! First match of the season and the boys have already made me proud.

P.S: MICANs/ IIM A junta - kindly ignore the fact that we didn't win a single match last season cause as darling Celine Dion croons 'A new term has cometh!' :)

All I remember is 'Addhi haddi di nangi chudail!' :D

Its 3 am and this is when I am my widest awake.
  • I won 3 baddy matches today!Yay! No the opposite team wasn't a limbu-timbu. It's just that my partner was, you know, good :)
  • My MICARE (On-campus, students-run provision store) bill was only Rs.53 and I actually felt bad that I didn't contribute much so had two Maaza to alleviate the guilt. With a 30% sudden spike it now stands at Rs. 69 :|
  • A case-study writing competition on which I had worked with a bunch of junees declared its result today. We didn't make it. Not because we weren't good enough but because the guy heading the competition decided to shelve our case topic on his own whim and fancy!! I mean ya, WTF!!
  • Viraj was slightly mad at me for not doing things that I had promised him some time back (3 weeks back :| He sombrely reminds). I gave him a dozen excuses and prayed he will understand :D No wonder he calls me 'nalayak' :(
  • It's Garba time in Gujjuland!! And do you know what am I doing tonight? Sitting on my bed typing out this silly post which no one except my great grand child will one day read! Hmph!
  • Ok, let's try once's Garba time in Gujjuland!! And do you know what I had for dinner? White, bland, oily rubber balls that also go around by the name Sabudana wada!! A culinary rape, to say the least. Grr..
  • Ok, for the last's Garba time in Gujjuland!! 'Abe stop yelling and start that Retail wala assignment due day after' ' Are you done transcripting the FGDs? chal insights likhne baith' 'Kya hua? insights nahi mile? Toh findings likh aur insights bolke thok de :P' ' Media laws & Ethics ka assignment hua?' "Fir SCM kaun uncle karega?'
  • Sigh! So even though it's Garba time in Gujjuland..(dil pe dagad rakhke) Do I look like I care? :(
  • Oh how could I forget? (actually one must try to.. but harrowing memories!) Yesterday a bunch of us frustrated souls went for a late night show of 'Dil Bole Hadippa!' Well let me just say - the company was good, the ambience was good and I am still wondering why the heck was Sherlyn Chopra wearing a muffler over a bikini top and hot pants? Rani - get married, have kids! It's high time. Shahid - Don't get married, you are totally drool-worthy right now.
Exam's in 3 wait, 2 days :0
And home* in 6 days!! :)

*Home - place where Sabudana wadas are like Sabudana wadas.

Monday, September 14, 2009

There's something about him...

I saw him again tonight. He was nervous, yet smiling. His smile radiated from across the distance and I quickly forgot that I was in a foul mood. He grabbed my bowl of hakka noodles and threatened to devour it all by himself. I simply turned around and said go ahead. He was perplexed and returned it sheepishly. I smiled knowing that I am never so generous to others.

He came up to me to talk about his worries, the tension was obviously killing him. I was only too glad to be of some help. He promised that I would be the first one to know of any good result of his impending predicament. I knew then that I had been a good friend. He put a hand around me and shook me by arms. Silly boy, he doesnt know that his playfulness had won me over a long time back.

He wishes to talk more but I know I should leave. I can only be a friend and that's all can he be to me. I am happy to have him as a friend and can't complicate things in either of our lives. Sometimes it's only fair to keep it simple.

I think of that special someone he has back home and curiously I feel no animosity towards her. How could anyone not like him? But then she was the blessed one and so was he to have her.

But I cant leave without telling him of all that he has meant to me. Someday I will tell but today's not the time. Let me be the friend that he needs right now. Let me be the support that he seeks. Not because I want him to like me. Not because of what I want him to think..may be because I need a friend too. Yes, just a friend in my life. That's all.

Sunday, September 06, 2009, not the movie!

Yesterday the happiest moment in the day came at 4.25 am. The Chandni junta (if awake) must have thought I am seriously demented to laugh my head off in the dead silence of the wee hours. All this over one pic of a 'gunda'.

If the above lines don't make any sense, well they aren't supposed to. Thanks Abhijit. You know you were my best friend once...and now I know why :)


Ever since 2nd year has started, I am becoming more and more aware of the fact that my MICA days have remained largely un-jotted. Apart from the few idle evenings, Mathew movies and random bakwaas nothing is recorded :( Memories are fading fast! Need to hold on to them...coz there is nothing worse than forgetting about a good time you once had!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

To stop train, pull the chain!

Today was a saturday. I realised that coz we had Pav-bhaji for dinner (yes, I by-heart the Mess Menu Time-table). Another thing I realised...the Ganpati fest is still on! So much for getting senti last week and pouring my heart out over the last post.

Where did the week go? Isn't second year supposed to mucho relaxed? Didn't our seniors laugh at us mockingly last year when we raced for classes? I had avenged to do the same to my junees next year. Then why am I sitting next to this junee in the library when have I should been watching movies and making merry? Why do I see the whole 'academic riguer' (yes ChaCha did exactly what he meant!) giving me rigor mortis?

The 'To do' list is now running into outrageous that its almost funny.
Not that I had been only slogging my ass off all the time..I did play basketball once this week and ended up breaking my specs :| The next day was fun too...heavenly infact! Played badminton is rains for almost 2 hours. (Plastic shuttle folks!!)

But then why do I feel life is slipping away super fast?
Remember how it feels while traveling in a long-distance train? You want to read the names of those tiny hamlets that pass by..but you just cant. Its that feeling! And some higher intelligence tells me that this train shall never stop! :(

Is it so bad or am I simply cribbing too much? :|