Tuesday, February 15, 2011


It's foolish the number of times I have begun writing a post, lost the train of thoughts and dumped it into drafts. I love the idea of writing while listening to music. I start with finding the right song for my mood to build up the whole environment (Hindi has a very apt term for it - samaa bandhana. English pales in comparison). Anyway, so one starts with finding the right song for the right mood and hopes to publish a blog-post one is happy with...but things somehow run down-hill after the whole youtubing thing.

Here's what happens with me:
  • Create a playlist of similar mood songs on Youtube - say - Romantic
  • Forget that one song from that really insignificant movie starring Salman Khan & that actress from the South.
  • Try recollecting her name for 26 odd seconds. Ditch.
  • Google for 'Salman Khan + Actress from South' to come up with some ridiculous search results.
  • A lil' more head scratching....Ahan!! Her name in the movie was Maggie! (Talk about some food for thought!)
  • Google for 'Salman + Maggie' - Love it is! All hail IMDb.
  • Oh btw, check out this review at the bottom of the page here.
  • Haan, so where was I? Yes, "Saathiya...yeh tune kya kiya"
  • Buzz on GTalk - ofcourse its an old friend and I am not the one to go invisible after being buzzed, no sire. So one replies, patiently..using very little words just to give the right indication that one might be caught up in something important at the moment or when all fails 'brb' to the rescue.
  • Wouldn't it be better to just change the status message to 'Busy' for a while. But no sire no, we are not the ones to simply put up a plain, boring status message are we? We are the creative class (or so we think) so it has to be a creatively borrowed 3rd line of that ghazal one once heard and is not very sure of the meaning. But what if someone pings to ask the meaning and catches one unawares! Imagine the horror! So we google for the meaning and then put up a status msg something like this:
    Kuch to mere pindar-e-mohabbat ka bharam rakh
    Tu bhi to kabhi mujhko manane ke liye aa...Ranjish hi sahi....
  • Almost 11.5 mins since I last checked FB updates :|
  • Yayness! He liked my status msg...need a wittier come-back. Google. (Yes, lame.)
  • Hey, new video posted by him..must be something cool...let me check it out!
  • Superb video! Like. Comment. Share.
  • Hayyee. Relationship status update by Rohan & Pri? kab? kyu? kaise? and most imp. ab kiske saath? ;) (Yes, we are like that only)
  • So, where was I? Video..FB...imdb...google...youtube...blogspot!
And so, in this brilliant manner a perfect blogging mood get wasted by yours truly's utter stupidity and one sinks further down the depression of not blogging enough. Does this happen to you? any foolproof solution?

P.S: While I was writing this blog, the following conversation ensued with a friend.

Ashok: abbe
rutuja: hi
Ashok: give me suggestions
rutuja: for?
Ashok: things to do
i got absolutely no work in office today :|
rutuja: haha
i m blogging..abt how i get distracted while blogging
and end up not blogging :P
Ashok: lol
i am guessing you would mention me in the credits section :P
rutuja: brb :D

@ Ashok - There you go...you got a mention on my blog! I used my first 'brb-to-the-rescue' weapon on you and holly mighty did it work!! I am extremely pleased with myself (or as they say in Queen's Land - I am mighty chuffed right now!) for almost having completed this piddly blogpost which may not mean much to the world but is a no small feat for this girl.


  1. Thank you thank you :D
    I feel honored to get a mention in your blog!
    Waise you are making my lukkhagiri public now! :P

  2. Lolzz

    But I hv 1 question -
    Youtube, Google, Blogspot, FB, GTalk....
    Yahoo che products pan kadhi use karates?

  3. @ Chachu - Public ko sab pata hai! :D

    @ Ayre - You should definitely read this post - http://katha-collage.blogspot.com/2011/02/heart-broken.html Public Display of Affection towards Google. FYI, quit Yahoo now (not that it mattered anyway) :)
