Friday, January 23, 2009

Over-coming the 'Placement Jitters' Syndrome

Ever get a feeling that you are simply sailing through life, going where life takes you rather you leading it? I mean, how long should one just drift without taking charge of the situation. I don't know why/how but today i feel like taking charge of my life. Maybe it's the recession. Or maybe its just PMS :|

When the job scene scares the daylights outta you, more than any Ramsay Bros movie ever could, you know the shit has hit the ceiling! Watching some of my seniors go through the painful and morale-breaking..err no, morale-pulverizing placement process, makes me wonder if one can really control one's life any more? How do you stop that one rare company visiting your campus from rejecting you? I mean, for how long can a guy keep saying to himself, 'Stuck like dope on this thing called hope'? Somewhere inside me there must be a voice yelling out, 'U gotta be kidding me!!'

Okay, I admit, I am suffering from premature Placement Jitters (PJ) syndrome. But watching friends in PGP2 go through hell does make even a thick-skinned person like me go :(
I wonder if prayers work during recession. Or even the big guy sitting up there in heaven has this tiny asterisk saying "Conditions apply"?? *Minor palpitations follow*

Anyway, when there is little that you can do to change the situation, you might as well try and adapt to it. 3 terms into a b-school has made me realise that I have absolutely no knowledge/information whatever, about whats going on in the business world outside of Shela village. For that matter, even the business world withing Shela village doesnt attract my attention. So just yesterday I came up with this brilliant thought that I need to do something to make myself more err..saleable in the job market. That apart, sitting blank in the classes with a big 'Huh?' sign on my face while the prof talks about business strategies of the Volkswagen, Philips and Unilevers of the world, can get a tad bit boring. Mind you, I realised this in my term 3 :D
Okay, so here's my plan. Every week I would read up on a particular industry..say, pharmaceutical, automobiles, telecomm etc and try to find out what is the current scenario, the growth drivers, the problems faced, strategies adopted along with the forerunners of that game. Phew! I think it's hight time that I get serious about life and move beyond my regular 'oh-god-my-life-sucks' mode and get into 'wow-this-is-pretty-interesting-stuff' mode. I remember the last time that happened was my 3rd year seminar, where I slogged on Pharmaceutical IPRs and surprisingly, loved it!! :)

WAC class awaits..Prof Saral Mukherjee from IIM A would be waiting for the MICAn stars to amaze him(her??..will fing out soon) to enthrall him (her??) with their brightness :D Hihihi..who am I kidding? The more we try to change, the more we remain the same! :) A post-lunch session..may God save him (her??)

1 comment:

  1. If you are able to stick to that plan for like more than a month, let me know... :-)
    Not a bad idea though.. keep it up!
